大峡谷州立大学致力于创造和推进一个校园社区,让个人感到有能力提出问题, ask for help, and be informed about options before making any decisions.

When you are ready to talk, we are ready to listen

Our team works to create a safe, welcoming, 为所有通过我们办公室寻求服务的个人提供包容的环境.  We understand that your GVSU experience may be impacted, 我们能够通过支持性措施提供帮助, or campus modifications, 旨在保护您的安全,保存或恢复您参与GVSU计划和活动的能力. 

Some individuals prefer a supportive response only, others choose to request a university investigation, and some choose both.  我们在这里帮助你做出决定,告诉你哪条路适合你.   

我们邀请您与我们的团队成员一起参加一个信息会议,讨论您的选择以及我们如何能够提供帮助.  无论是向我们的办公室报告,还是与我们的团队成员讨论,都不要求采取行动.  选择向GVSU提交正式投诉是你自己的选择. 

你也可以选择向大峡谷警察局报案, and we can assist in making a connection.

If you are experiencing an emergency, contact 911.

你可以通过我们的。向民权办公室和教育法第九条报告事件 online reporting form, by phone at (616) 331-9530, or by contacting a member of our team.

You may also choose to report the incident to the Grand Valley Police Department by calling (616) 331-3255.

Access Support
& Resources

举报不当性行为(性侵犯,亲密伴侣暴力,跟踪, & sexual exploitation), Harassment, and Discrimination

If you have experienced, witnessed, or been impacted by sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation), discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation, 我们的办公室可以帮助您找到适合您的选择.

You are encouraged to report the incident through our online reporting form or by contacting a member of our team.

Title IX Coordinator
[email protected]

In the absence of the Title IX Coordinator, 第九条副协调员将承担与第九条相关的所有合规责任.

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX

4015 James H. Zumberge Hall
(616) 331-9530

Additional Reading: Regulations and Statutes

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 要求所有接受联邦资金或财政的实体 协助禁止基于性别的歧视和性行为不端 their education programs and activities. 

Title IX states no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education programming or activity. 

  • Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, 不管他们的真实或感知的性别,性别认同,和/或 gender expression. 
  • Female, male, and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and 员工受到保护,不受任何性别歧视、骚扰、 or violence. 

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 amends the Student Assistance General Provisions regulations 根据1965年修订的《博天堂官方网页》(HEA)颁布 执行《博天堂官方网页》对《博天堂官方》所作的修改 Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA).

The 2020 Title IX Regulations amend the regulations 执行1972年教育修正案第九条(第九条). 最终条例规定了联邦财政的接受者如何 第九条所涵盖的援助必须对性指控作出回应 harassment consistent with Title IX's prohibition against sex discrimination. These regulations are intended to effectuate Title 第九项禁止性别歧视的规定,要求收信人 将性骚扰视为教育中的一种性别歧视 programs or activities.

最终规定要求接收方及时、准确地作出回应 支持据称受到性骚扰的人, 及时准确地解决性骚扰指控 提供正当程序的可预见的、公平的申诉程序 保护据称的受害者和据称的性犯罪者 harassment, and effectively implement remedies for victims. The final 法规还澄清和修改了第九条的监管要求 regarding the intersection between Title IX, Constitutional 保护,和其他法律,由每个接受者指定 第九条协调员解决性别歧视,包括性别歧视 骚扰,传播接受者的不歧视 policy and contact information for a Title IX Coordinator, the adoption by recipients of grievance procedures and a grievance 程序,并禁止报复下行使的权利 Title IX.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment practices that discriminate because of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) and religion.

Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act is an act in Michigan that defines civil rights; prohibits discriminatory 实践、政策和习俗是行使这些权利的基础 根据宗教、种族、肤色、国籍、年龄、性别、身高、体重, familial status, or marital status; preserves the confidentiality of 有关逮捕、拘留或其他处置的记录 conviction does not result; prescribes the powers and duties of the civil rights commission and the department of civil rights; provides remedies and penalties; provides for fees; and repeals certain acts and parts of acts.

As described in GVSU's Policy Prohibiting Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, & Sexual Misconduct:

大峡谷州立大学不歧视学生, faculty or staff in any of its employment practices or in its educational programs or activities. Grand Valley State University is 以包容和社区的价值观为指导,这是不可或缺的 我们的使命是让学习者在追求、专业、 和目的,通过优秀的教学来丰富社区, active scholarship, and public service.

The University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, employment, all of its programs, and the use of its facilities. Members of the University community, including candidates 对于聘用或入场,及访客或客人,均有权利 不受骚扰和歧视,这是 如果他们基于年龄、肤色、 残疾、家庭状况、身高、婚姻状况、国籍、 政治派别,种族,宗教,退伍军人或现役军人 status or weight. In addition, Grand Valley is required by Title IX of 1972年的教育修正案,以确保其教育 项目和活动基于性别/性别进行歧视. Sex 包括性别刻板印象、性别认同、性别表达、性取向 orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status.  

民权和教育法第九条办公室为学校提供资源 GVSU社区并帮助可能受到影响的个人 与资源有关的歧视或骚扰 保护或支持参与规划和活动的措施; 并监督学校的申诉程序对指控 discrimination and harassment.

有关第九章适用的查询,可参考 the Title IX Coordinator, 4015 James H. Zumberge Hall, [email protected], (616) 331-9530.

Page last modified September 1, 2023