GVSU 俱乐部体育 bridges the gap between Intramurals and Varsity Sports.  俱乐部体育 provide a team environment 为学生 who are looking for a more competitive and intense experience with a balance of time commitment.  Our over 38 俱乐部s offer opportunities in women’s, men’s, and coed sports teams.  俱乐部运动队是由学生组织的, 为学生, with the help of GV administrative staff and 俱乐部-appointed coaches.

Getting involved with 俱乐部 sports is the best way to continue playing the sport you love and building a community here at GVSU.  Being a 俱乐部 sport athlete provides opportunities to meet new people, 寻找一个支持系统, and get involved in positions that develop career skills and resume builders.  Come join one of the best programs in the nation at GVSU 俱乐部体育!! 锚定了!





新闻 & 博客

Thrilling Action and Team Camaraderie at the College Club Swim National Meet

的 College Club Swim National Meet brought together 1622 athletes from 118个俱乐部,包括格兰谷的俱乐部队,他们展示了他们的 在三天的激烈竞争中,技巧和友情.



的 stage was set in Orlando, FL, as dancers converged at the Orange 大学经典赛的县会议中心. 其中,湖人队 Dance Team stood poised to showcase their skill and passion in a display 胜利与团结.


GVSU Club Gymnastics Team Shines at Nationals with Impressive Performances

大峡谷州立大学's Club Gymnastics team dazzled audiences and judges alike at the recent national championships, where their exceptional performances earned them accolades and recognition on both 团队和个人层面.



大峡谷湖人队的舞蹈和欢呼队从比赛中归来 College Classic National Championship with a number of new national 头衔和荣誉."




3月16日至17日的周末对于 GVSU男子俱乐部排球队. 团队前往达文波特 University for the second round of the Great Lakes Men’s Volleyball 会议上比赛. 坐在第一名的位置上 single set, the team ended up losing their last 垫ch to Bowling Green 星期六晚上. 湖人队在周日的首轮比赛中拿下了两个大比分 以微弱优势战胜费里斯州立大学和西密歇根大学. 的 冠军将在与鲍灵格林的复赛中揭晓. 后 winning the first set 25-23, the Lakers fell to an eight point deficit 开始第二组. 在反击之后,他们丢掉了第二个 以25比21扳平,迫使再打三局. 一场来回的战斗 湖人队在一比15的比赛中以10比10打平. 发球跑 格雷格·詹姆斯以14比11领先. 杰克发了一个漂亮的发球 诺凯维奇最后一记封盖了帕登,卢梭给了 laker men’s 俱乐部 volleyball team their first conference championship 自2017年以来. 

湖人男排获得了多个奖项 所有会议荣誉的获得者. 全联盟第一阵容 包括初级二传手雅各布·菲安达洛,高级中卫帕登 卢梭和新生中卫迈克尔·乌尔德里奇. 两个研究生 students Greg Janes and Sam Szarowicz earned second team for outside 击球员. AJ Zanders, Easton Upton和Mack Tyrell获得了荣誉 提到奖. 

特别向所有带来食物,饮料, 以及对我们团队和朋友们无尽的支持. 的成功 this program would not be possible without them, our coaches, and 俱乐部 sports. 



Rising Resilience: 大峡谷州立大学 Club Wrestlers Show Out at 2024 NCWA National Championships

的 wrestlers representing 大峡谷州立大学 displayed an 在2024年全国大学生篮球锦标赛上,他们的决心和技巧令人印象深刻 全国锦标赛在布鲁克郡杂货店竞技场举行 2024年3月14日至3月16日,路易斯安那州什里夫波特. 尽管 encountering formidable opponents from renowned collegiate wrestling 项目在全国范围内,GVSUWC运动员展示了无与伦比的 坚韧和勇猛. 他们的表演突出了他们的深刻 devotion to the sport and the university, evident in their steadfast 决心和对成就的不懈追求. 当他们航行时 通过激烈的比赛,GVSU摔跤俱乐部的每个成员 经过大量的训练和准备, garnering recognition and respect for their exceptional performance on 这个受人尊敬的国家平台.

在一场扣人心弦的比赛中对阵来自德州的亚历山大·格林 University, 116-pound wrestler Isobel Wharff displayed her skills, engaging in a fierce battle until the 3:41 mark, ending with Green 确保胜利. 然而,沃夫的决心没有改变 unwavering as she prepared for her next challenge against Angelina 沃克来自渥太华-亚利桑那州. 尽管付出了勇敢的努力,沃夫还是面临着 快速失败,沃克仅用了17秒就宣布获胜.

“在这样的时刻,我们见证了我们团队的精髓 ethos: show up, be prepared, and understand that every 垫ch begins at 0比0,”主教练莱恩·兰开斯特说. ”伊泽贝尔例证 这种精神体现在她最近的遭遇中. 针对格林,她进行了一场 激烈的战斗,展示她的技能,直到最后的蜂鸣器. 每一个 垫ch presents an opportunity to score bonus points, not just on the 记分牌,但在性格和勇气."
在125磅 GVSUWC的扎克·柯尼格表现出了非凡的能力, 以非凡的技巧驾驭一系列具有挑战性的对局. 柯尼格以一场技术性的压倒性胜利开始了他的竞选 over Gabriel Matamoros of Rutgers WC, followed by another impressive 战胜太平洋路德教会的布伦南·盖特-弗洛雷斯. 继续 his winning streak, Koenig secured a major decision victory over Luis Barajas of Grays Harbor, showcasing his tactical proficiency on the 垫. 在与萨克拉门托的约瑟夫·希门尼斯的激烈竞争中 State, Koenig demonstrated his resilience and determination, clinching a hard-fought decision victory to advance further in the 比赛. 尽管面临 a formidable opponent in Dominic Ciolli of Ohio State, 柯尼格表现出毫不动摇的决心,勇敢地战斗, 最终失败了,但却留下了不可磨灭的印记 骄人的成绩.

兰开斯特教练说,扎克的旅程经历了一系列 具有挑战性的比赛展示了他非凡的技术和坚定不移的态度 对我们团队理念的承诺. 每一次胜利,是否靠 或者是一个艰难的决定,科尼格强调说 在垫子上的战术熟练和他面对的韧性 逆境."
GVSUWC的玛丽亚·波特雷罗也留下了她的印记 the 比赛, engaging in intense bouts that showcased her talent 和韧性. 波特雷罗面对的是强大的对手,比如 Marinthia Mendoza from Grays Harbor and Carly Manning from 克莱姆森. 尽管 experiencing both victory and defeat, Potrero demonstrated 韧性和战斗精神在整个 比赛. 波特雷罗最精彩的时刻之一是她的比赛 against Manning, where she dominated the 垫, securing victory in 5 分26秒. 

“无论输赢,她都体现了我们的核心价值观,展示了 坚韧和不屈不挠的战斗精神. 她决定性的胜利 曼宁对她和我们整个团队来说都是一个决定性的时刻。 教练兰开斯特.

杰克·谢尔曼,代表GVSUWC参加157磅级别的比赛, 在整个比赛中也表现出色. 谢尔曼踢 off his campaign with a commanding technical fall victory over Dominic 阿科斯塔(Acosta)为他随后的竞选定下了基调 匹配. 他以一场大胜继续他的连胜纪录 decision win against Brady Bollander of James Madison, showcasing his 在垫子上的技术熟练和战略实力. 尽管面临 在对阵西切斯特的基顿·菲舍尔的比赛中,他遭遇了挫折 contested about, Sherman bounced back with an emphatic pinfall victory over Clay Queen of Lyon, displaying his resilience and determination. 随后,他又一次令人印象深刻地击败了对手 蒙特克莱尔州立大学的安东尼·科拉维托,进一步巩固了他的 作为强大竞争者的声誉. 尽管面对一个强大的对手 in Mitchell Helgert of Washington State, Sherman fought valiantly but ulti垫ely fell short, concluding his campaign with a commendable performance.

从他对阿科斯塔的技术性胜利到 his dominant major decision win against Bollander, Sherman displayed 技巧和策略使他与众不同. 即使面对 setbacks, like his closely contested about against Fischer, Sherman exhibited resilience, bouncing back with emphatic pinfall victories 兰开斯特说.

全国赛的最终排名体现了 几个月的艰苦训练和坚定不移的奉献精神. 西切斯特 emerged victorious with a narrow lead, followed by Ohio State WC and 克莱姆森. 然而,GVSUWC的非凡旅程吸引了 摔跤爱好者注意事项. 总分15分.5点, GVSUWC引人注目地排在第16位. 而团队没有 稳居榜首,其表现彰显了人才和才华 坚韧在其队伍中根深蒂固.

“GVSUWC坚定地坚持我们的基本原则: show up, be prepared, score bonus points, and remember the score is 总是0 - 0. 杰克和扎克在全国赛上4胜2负的骄人战绩 体现了我们对这些原则的承诺. 虽然不是在上面 leaderboard, the final standings reflect the culmination of months of 坚持不懈的训练和坚定不移的奉献. 而西切斯特 最终以微弱的领先优势取得胜利,我们排在第16位 underscores our team's undeniable prowess and resilience," said Lancaster.

GVSUWC表现出了令人印象深刻的毅力和决心 2024年全国锦标赛. 他们出色的表现 强调了广泛准备的结果,坚定不移 承诺,以及对伟大的不懈追求. 每个摔跤手 their utmost effort, reflecting the team's embodiment of sportsmanship 团结,赢得观众和对手的尊重. 随着 event concluded, the GVSUWC emerged as a dominant force, illustrating the resilience and enthusiasm characteristic of collegiate wrestling.

